



Confetti is a community generated party hosting and finder application that leverages host and guest feedback in order to combat sexual assault, theft, vandalism and other common issues.
view the process
Facilitating safe social environments
Project Type
Alexander morris, Guanzhi Kou, Ningxin Wei, Xiaoqing Hu, Xiaoya Wen
My Roles
Research, ANALYSIS, Prototyping, Branding, Visual Design, Motion Graphics
Tools Used
After Effects, Figma, Google forms, Principle, Rotato
An Isometric mockup of the Una Application
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Confetti assists users in organizing, managing and attending social events by leveraging community feedback models to enrich the social experience.
Easy guest Validation and admission
"Party Passes" allow for hosts to quickly scan in guests and validate their identity as well as provide some accountability for who was at the party should issues occur.
For public parties, scanned party passes provide glanceable insights about the guest based on previous host reviews and can view their overall guest score to determine if they want to admit them or not.
Take action in real time
Guest reports of malpractice ping the host and helpers with push notifications providing them with a breakdown of the report so that they can address the issue as soon as it is identified.
This is with the intention of preventing further issues from arising and resolving then before their impact has any further impact on the party and guests.
protecting host privacy through Feed based discoverability
Deep consideration was given as to how to represent the relevant information needed by prospective guests when searching for parties to attend whilst at the same time protecting the privacy of hosts, this involved showing time in distance to the event and anonymised guest lists.
Furthermore instead of using a map based search a feed based solution was derived that affords uses the flexibility to search and filter their feed to find parties that interest them.
Confetti Gold
Confetti Gold is a service aimed at ensuring security at social events, Gold parties are hosted by top rated hosts who the undergone bespoke training and education on managing social environments so that guests know they are in good hands.

Understanding the impacts of misactors
In order to provide a solution that fosters safe social environments, you need to have an understanding as to the factors that influence them.

Party feedback in the form of emojis is a qualitative method of collecting live party feedback as to map the overall guest experience across the course of a party so that when reports of malpractice are generated the conesquent impact on the guest experience can be mapped, in turn informing Confetti of the priority of each type of report.
representing the live environment
The afformentioned live feedback is displayed next to the associated party to signify to potential guests the current live experience via the type of reactions and frequency at which they are submitted.

Seemless party creation
The party creation flow was created with the goal of minimising the disparity between party hosting and party attendance frequency amongst target users and promoting a self sustaining balance where supply of parties meets demand and overcrowding is prevented.
To achieve this Miller's law was considered and the task complexity was abstract across several stages to minimise the load on the user's working memory and convenience was prioritised in the forms of location detection and theme selection to condense the flow where possible.

How it started

social gatherings should promote POSITIVITY and inclusion, not foster fear and uncertainty, confetti aims to foster an inclusive and safe social environment for all.
On current platforms, there are limited means of organizing social events outside of creating groups that deliver basic information about the event. Once a user is at the event the group becomes irrelevant.
Whilst parties can be a great means of socializing and meeting new people, they can also cultuvate environemnts where theft, sexual assualt and violence are far too common.
Confetti aims to address these concerns and in doing so, enrich the social experience of all involved.
Problem Statements
Young people often struggle controlling the scope of social activities/parties, consequently posing safety issues.
Often, parties can bring out the worst in people, resulting in vandalism, theft, physical altercations both violent and sexual.
People will often show up to parties with very little knowledge of where they are going, who is hosting it or who is going. Nor do they know how to address any problems that do arise.
The impacts
The inability to properly organise, control and moderate social gatherings detrimentally impacts both the host and guest experience through threats to safety and overall wellbeing.

The possible existence of these issues alone could be enough to detract from the social environments but the consequences should they happen can be deeply damaging.
Whether that's lost bags or stolen wallets to sexual assault, theft and even discrimination.
The process










As to properly frame and identify the issue, target users, theire needs and frustrations with their social environments research was conducted over the discover phase.
preliminary survey
As to gain an understanding of our users, the contexts in which they attend and host parties and their pain points a survey was conducted consisting of both quantitative and qualitative data.
This survey was distributed online and helped to narrow down the target audience (18-24 year olds), their goals and the key areas of interest for exploration.
Examing the results
After DISTRIBUTING the survey the data collected was processed to provide insights into the social context and user behaviour.
It came to attention that there is a disparity between the user's propensity to attend a party/social event compared to hosting one. This highlighting potential opportunity areas for exploration in understanding user motivations and pain points that could lead to such behaviour.

Furthermore the type of party/social event was examined as to refine the focus on the solution so that the final functionality does not spread itself too thing and fail on solving any one user's needs.
Furthermore the user's emotional state during parties was evaluated with the aim of identifying the key concerns and opportunity areas that the solution could target, the most prominent feelings being those of unease and confusion.

Finally, as to gain insight into why a discrepancy between attending and hosting propensities the concerns associated with hosting a party was examined so that future ideation could take place around addressing these concerns, such as security and participant management and promote a more enjoyable and fruitful social environment for all.
competitive analysis
Competitive analysis was conducted looking at existing market solutions, analysing their objectives, infromation architecture, functionality, strengths and weaknesses as to develop an understanding of the market shortcomings and opportunity areas.

It became clear that these solutions do not appropriately consider user safety or provide sufficient feedback mechanisms to help hosts and guests make informed decisions about the social environments they attend and foster.
Moreover there was a distinct gap between solutions focused strictly on fun and those for more formal social contexts such as professional events.

Lastly, these tools do not take the necessary steps to ensure a good party to guest fit, instead discoverability prioritises the quantity of attendees with key context information hidden behind map views (which pose security/privacy issues as users can circumvent the system using the map location).
Host needs
How might we afford hosts the ability to create enjoyable and safe social events that champion attendee safety?
How might we assist 18-24 year olds with a way of discovering the best social events for them?
How might we design a platform that protects user privacy and leverages both host and attendeed feedback to combat malpractice?


Having established a fundimental understanding of the problem space and target users the next step was to represent these needs and pain points.
User personas
After developing a better understanding of the user’s problems, goals and needs we were able to define users by 2 categories, Guests and Hosts. Although it is to be noted that users can fall into both categories.
These personas encompassed the target audience and beyond with the goal of representing user pain points, motivations and contexts to facilitate empathising and understanding oh user needs when ideating through potential solutions.
Host needs
Confirm guest list
Responding to emergencies (drunk, fighting, theft, furniture damaging, etc.)
Prepare food and drink


Preceding the define phase, using the established understanding of the problem and users solution development began, this was the process of initial concept exploration, creation of system navigation structure and ideation.
Initial sketches were created to explore potential solutions and as well to explore potential information architectures
This process was valuable in ideating the different fields required for the party creation flow and deciding the sensitivity and necessity of sensitive host related information.
information architecture
To ensure a clear and consistent user experience we then outlined the information architecture explored the solution structure and infromation hierarchy to ensure usability and consistency.
This is achieved through placing the right information and functionality where it would be expected based on the perceived user mental model.
After completing the intial sketches and information architecture and having a better understanding of the user flow we created wireframes to outline both the host and guest flow for all of the defined application functionality.

Thought the design process considerations were made about protecting both host and guest privacy supported by the afformentioned information architecture to ensure the right information is displayed in the correct context.
Furthermore an emphasis was placed on display and collecting user feedback as to establish accountability that users can use to make informed decisions as to which parties they attend and which guests they admit.
user testing
In order to further refine the user experience and ensure a cohesive user flow we then created a mid-fidelity prototype to evaluate the rationality of the functionality, test the interactions and validate wayfinding through user testing.

We conducted the user testing over 4 participants of varying ages and produced a system usability score across both the host and guest flows that enabled us to assess the viability and usability of each solution.
Based on this feedback we were then able to gain insights into specific user pain points in our lfow and redesign our functionality in accordance with them.
user testing feedback
According to the feedback received from the user testing it was clear that the party overview scene from the host flow had shortcomings with regards to the guest list being integrated into it, to address this the guest list was redesigned into its own screen to facilitate more items in the viewport and faster scanning.
Additionally the notification management logic had to revised as the initial solution did not provide a referencable hub for notifications. To solve this a notifications CTA was added with a notification signifier to alert users of past notifications.


Succeeding the completion of the develop phase and the implementation of the feedback from user testing the next step was to create a visual identity for the solution and design a visual language from which the high fidelity visualisations can be produced.
Introducing Confetti.
The branding
In encapsulating the spirit of parties and socialisation the confetti name was chosen with the accompanying logo mark symbolising the function of the solution a recognisable way.

The branding
Implementing the feedback from using testing the final high fidelity visualisations were created to bring the final solution to life.

Iteration to find optimal solutions
When approaching the party creation flow, extensive exploration took place in determining the optimal behaviour for managing date and time selection.

The focus was on providing logical navigation with clear context signifiers to inform the host as to which days might be best for their particular party.
This can be seen through he solution exploration, the first design showcasing a full calendar view, this is great for scheduling events in the distant future but becomes problematic in that it.

Vision Video Storyboard
In showcasing the final solution, the problem it sets out to solve and the functionality that achieves it, a vision video was created, the starting point being storyboards to outline the different scenes and narrative.

Creating the vision video
After deciding on the video plot via storyboarding, a video script was created composed of the number of shots, a description, the type of shot and duration.
Filming was completed over one day and post production was completed using principle animations overlaid in mockups in adobe premier.
The vision video


In summary the Confetti project was of great value in decision making as to strike a balance between fun and safety with a plethora of constraints around privacy, security adding complexity to solution ideation.

The process of creating a vision video served to bring the solution to life and brought me closer to the real world problem it set out to solve.
Moreover, additional, more extensive user testing would have been of benefit in validating the information architecture acorrding to the users' mental models.

Finally as a result of the project scope I feel that certain aspects were not fully explored, namely the feedback system and how that can monitor, inform and help shape our understand go positive social environments.